
Oct 1, 2022
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These are some of the projects I’ve done in the past. In all but one (DX), I did everything: produced content, planned the design, coded, conceived the business, marketing and communication processes. Wanna know more? Drop me a line using the form at the footer of the page.

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Troovr was conceived following a question: why do we believe in unverified content? The answer is a new architecture for digital content to restrict disinformation, enforce data ownership and safeguard user data.

Coevo, a venture involving leading Brazilian writers and videomakers, aimed to address to a sophisticated audience and create revenue beyond the traditional ad-based model, based on sites like the US Quartz.
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Thinking Media was a consultancy helping Brazilian media firms in restructuring their digital operations amid a market rife with unsustainable debt among key players.

After a decade of daily football coverage, quitting writing was too hard. 90Minutos emerged as an invite for readers to engage in debate, blending data with opinion.
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DX aimed to pioneer as Latin America's premier OTT content provider. Its algorithms would help users to find new movies in 2011, far before Netflix's market dominance.

Trivela sprang from the passion for football of four first-year journalism students. Fiercely tackling the amateurish sports media in Brazil, it was the first international football dedicated site in Brazil, blossomed into a site and magazine, covering nearly 40 leagues.
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Moxphere was my first attempt to discuss the obliteration of our trade with journalists back in 2010. Brazil had seen some of the issues with the industry, which was really uninformed about where the attacks would come from.
If you have any questions, please contact me.